Caro Fratello
Ricordo il tuo grande amore per me quando mi hai lasciato alla tua partenza, all’età di 10 anni. Ricordo il tuo amore per me, il tuo bellissimo sorriso e la tua compagnia quando avevo bisogno. Con affetto, tua sorella Anna Maria
Dear Zio Tony,
You were the Pioneer that made a life for our families in this country. A kind and generous soul you leave us but your legacy will last a lifetime. Your love for the NFC has been engraved in all of us forever
Love John, Pat, Rosanna, Tony and families.
Additional Information
The FAMILY and FRIENDS of the late Mr ANTONIO ALLEVI are invited to attend his Funeral Mass at The Church of the Annunciation, 20 Montacute Road, Hectorville on THURSDAY 12th December 2024 at 10.00 a.m.
After the Funeral the cortege will proceed to the Dudley Park Cemetery, Exeter Terrace, Dudley Park for his Committal
In lieu of floral tributes donations to Dementia Australia would be appreciated, envelopes will be available at the Church.
A Viewing will be held at Darroch House,
6 Briar Road, Felixstow
on WEDNESDAY Evening from 6.15 ~ 6.45 p.m. followed by the Holy Rosary.